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How far back can SCOTTISH FAMILY RESEARCH trace my family tree?
What records will SCOTTISH FAMILY RESEARCH use?
What happens if no records can be found?
What information do you require to start?
How long should genealogical research take?
What does the charge cover?
How can I pay?

How far back can SCOTTISH FAMILY RESEARCH trace my family tree?
This depends on what records are available. It should not be a problem to trace your family tree back to 1855 where statutory records began. However, beyond that the records kept are dependant on the competance of the clark preparing the records. If the records are good then it is quite possible to go back to the early seventeenth century. If the records are poor the early years of the ninteenth century can be expected. However, most people trace their family trees back to the middle years of the eighteenth century.

What records will SCOTTISH FAMILY RESEARCH use?

A wide range of records will be consulted in the search for your families roots. These include Statutory records, Old Parish Records, Shipping Records, Burial Records, Records held at the National library of Scotland, Public Record office records, wills (commisary records), court records and original charters Top

What happens if no records can be found?

If the search is found to be fruitl;ess then you would be informed of this fact and a charge would be made on a pro-rata basis and a refund bade if applicable. Top

What information do you require to start?

We require at least one birth, death, or marriage certificate to commence our research. Failing this, an approximate date of birth, date or marriage along with a place of birth would be required (to allow us to ascertain the parish in which they were registered in) Top

How long should genealogical research take?

Barring complications genealogical research should take approximately four-six weeks. Should you require the report completed in a shorter period (for example for a birthday present) this can be arranged when originally making the order Top


A full list of our costs and services can be found on our costs and services page 

What does the charge cover?

The charge covers all fees incured in accessing the records including transport costs. It also covers the time taken for the research to be done Top 

How can I pay?
We can accept payments as cash, cheque, postal order, travellers cheques or money order
preferably in pounds sterling. We are happy to accept payment in major foreign currencies (subject to an £8 Sterling charge to cover bank fees). Unfortunately, at present we do not accept credit or debit cards. Top

John Arthur
392/7 Easter Rd

+44 (0)131 554 3237









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